Posts Tagged ‘Dmaiona Stansfield’

Men’s Group

Moving Year's of Energy

Moving Years of Energy

Breaking with Convention of Pent-Up Emotions

More than ever, men are seeking help to get in touch with their feelings. In the wake of the 7-Award winning Australian film, “Men’s Group”,  Phil Taylor of the New Zealand Weekend Herald, reports on the trend in men to seek emotional health. View the article in a pdf document on MSI’s website.

In general, American’s are thought of as a bit “touchy feely” by Australia and New Zealand standards, however I believe that Americans are confronting, and are confronted by their past, their situation in the world, and everything from the excessive materialism, Manifest Destiny and greed, to the huge per capita use of the world’s non-renewable resources.  The US is at a turning point,  in which, I believe,  the mainstream population is becoming more compassionate and in the moment. A calm and lighter spirit is quietly  arising, and people are taking action to change the world by changing themselves.

Men's Group Movie
Men’s Group Movie

The fruits of  inner work are starting to show through society’s fabric in every day life, on the sidewalks  or commutes to work. People are awakening to the higher possibilities of who they can be.  It’s my observation that New Zealand and Australia’s men have an opportunity to dip their toe in the water of healthy expression, and jump in. It’s a natural evolution from the stark existence that, less than a generation ago was the only allowed  behavior. Likewise, not more than 200 years ago, one could get burned at the stake for stating one’s true feelings, if they deviated from the social norm in any way.

Regarding the Movie, Men’s Group – The author saw the movie last night here in Auckland.  Be prepared for witnessing the stark extreme of the dark age of men’s pent-up emotions.  Both my wife and I think it is an important movie detailing the most difficult cases of men’s situations, and at the same time, portraying the hope of change.

Mountain Spirit addresses this need in our communities by offering programs for both men, women and families in mountain and natural settings in the U.S., Peru, and New Zealand.